Chapter 5


“I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey: eat, O friends; drink yea, drink abundantly, O beloved”, the bridegroom tells his friends in verse 1.

Christ now visits His garden, which is your ministry. He delights to see your plants and trees. He gathers His myrrh. Myrrh is a bitter, aromatic gum exuded from the Commiphora tree. Those members of the Body of Christ are likened to the Commiphora tree, which produces myrrh, symbolic of Christ’s holiness fragrant through His Body. The holiness is not of the members concerned but is of Christ. That is why the divine Author calls this as His myrrh. Christ has gathered His myrrh with His spice. Those members of His Body planted in your garden produce His spice, symbolic of Christ’s love fragrant through His Body. The love is not of the members concerned but is of Christ. Christ has gathered His myrrh with His spice in the garden. Holiness and love are to be blended. A holy child of God should also love others. The Holy Spirit manifests Christ’s holiness and love through you to the world.

Secondly, Christ eats His honeycomb with His honey in His garden. There is a honeycomb in His garden. Pure honey, and not adulterated honey, is stored in the honeycomb. Honeycomb means a storing place where His word, which is rightly interpreted without the blend of any false doctrine, is stored. A honeybee flies here and there and gathers honey from different flowers in far-off gardens and stores it in a particular honeycomb. Likewise, you have to collect the pure interpretations of God’s written word from different churches and ministers and from the writings of various authors, dead or alive, and to store the same in His honeycomb. This also includes the personal testimonies of many God’s people. Christ in you or the Holy Spirit eats this honeycomb along with the honey. This means that the Holy Spirit uses you, the storehouse, and reveals the interpretations or revelations through your ministry as if He consumes the very storehouse and its content. Christ has to consume this honeycomb and honey to nourish His Body, the Church. Such interpretations, which you have collected, don’t belong to the sources of collection but to God alone. That is why the divine Author calls the honeycomb and honey as “My honeycomb, my honey”. By the grace of God, you might have very good and pure revelations or interpretations from the Word stored in the honeycomb of your garden. This honeycomb is not yours but His only.

In my garden, this particular book, which you read now, is the sweet honey of Christ Jesus stored in His honeycomb, which is meant for all. Christ in me delights to eat this honey in order to nourish the Body of Christ with a dosage of this particular honey.

Thirdly, Christ drinks His wine with His milk. The wine is extracted from the grapevines. Jesus said in John 15:1, “I am the true Vine and my Father is the husbandman”. Jesus, the true Vine, was crushed in the vine press at Calvary and His blood gushed out as the Wine for the whole world. His precious blood was shed on the Cross about 2000 years ago and dried. But His blood, though dried, is still alive and evergreen spiritually through the power of the Holy Spirit. Through this spiritual blood of Jesus, our sins are washed away, our diseases, however dreadful, healed and supernatural miracles performed. In our churches, this spiritual blood is offered during Holy Communion. Through this Blood, we commune with God, the Father. These days, the children of God travel far and wide to attend healing or miracle crusades being held by famous evangelists, little knowing that they would get healed in a Holy Communion service. They should treat the wine as the Blood of Christ shed on the very Cross of Calvary and the bread as the Body of Christ broken for them and believe as such with all the seriousness. They should also believe that they are in communion with God, the Father and His Son Jesus through this Holy Communion Service.

Christ in you, a member of His Body, drinks His wine. This wine is of Christ only and not of any particular denominational church. Once I heard a lady preacher, while giving a sermon in a church, saying that she would partake of the communion service being held in her church only. Her doctrine is not correct. The only qualification for the Holy Communion is that you must be a member of His Body, the unseen universal Church.

Christ drinks His wine with His milk. Milk means spiritually the primary or the basic doctrines of the Word essential for the growth of new believers (I Pet.2: 2). Milk is such an important food that is required for the growth of children. These days, the new believers are not taught the basic doctrines of the New Testament concerning salvation and new birth, eternal life, witnessing and evangelism, the Person of Jesus, the ministry of the Holy Ghost, the invisible Body of Christ, etc. But, instead, doctrines about the tabernacle of the Old Testament, the lives of the Old Testament saints, the battles fought during the Old Testament etc., are taught in a superfluous manner. I am not against teaching of the Old Testament truths but against giving undue importance to these and relegating the New Testament truths to the background. Some churches preach superfluously on the second advent of Jesus, arguing that there are two comings of our Lord i.e. one secret coming (called “rapture”) and the other “open coming”. I don’t want to deal with this contentious doctrine in this book, except saying that Jesus is coming again to this world. Like this, our preachers concentrate on unimportant doctrines, relegating the basic doctrines to the background. All this has led to the stinted growth of believers. They are still babes, unable to witness and evangelize the whole world. As such, the members of the Body of Christ ought to be fed with His wine, the spiritual Blood but also with His milk as if Christ drinks His wine with His milk. The Blood of Jesus and the Word of God, the two edged Sword of the Spirit sustain the Body of Christ, the Church.

During the New Testament period, most of the believers did not have any written books of the Old Testament. The New Testament gospels and epistles, etc., were not there. But, the believers and apostles witnessed and started evangelizing the world, even in the absence of transport and communication facilities. What happens today? Every Christian family has the Holy Bible and all the modern facilities of transport and communication are available in plenty. We have the Holy Bible in our hands but lack in the basic doctrines of the New Testament. We have enough scriptural knowledge but are not filled with His Spirit unlike the early apostles and believers.

The Bridegroom tells His friends that He had eaten His honeycomb with His honey and drunk His wine with His milk and exhorts them to eat and drink abundantly. This means that Christ wants the produces of your garden to be shared with the other members of His Body.


“I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my Beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew and my locks with the drops of the night” narrates the bride about her encounter with the shepherd who had earlier withdrawn his presence, in verse 2.

The Shulamite now takes a day’s rest from the labour in the garden of King Solomon and, while sleeping, she dreams of her beloved shepherd speaking to her heart. Christ our divine Shepherd manifests His glory in the vineyard where we are actively engaged in God’s work. At times, you may withdraw from His vineyard due to discouragement, frustration or fierce resistance from the Devil and become spiritually dormant, having lost His presence. Even when you reach that stage, your inner man would be awake and you would hear the voice of your Beloved knocking at the door of your heart just to commune with you. Christ will never forsake you under any circumstances, irrespective of whether you minister to Him or not. You may not seek or commune with Him. But still He reveals Himself to you. And you can recognize His voice and say, “It is the voice of my Beloved”. The period of separation has not blunted the sensitivity of your ears so as not to recognize His voice. For you, the time of separation from Him may be very short. But for Him, the short period looks like a long period of separation. Oh, what a love He has for you! When we separate ourselves from our children during short holidays, we feel we are away from them for a very long time.

He calls you “My sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled”. As your elder brother, He has true brotherly love greatly caring for you. You are “My love” – the center of His love. You are drowned in His unfathomable love. The love of this world cannot gravitate you to it. “Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our lord” (Rom.8: 38-39). You are “My dove” – the dove of Christ symbolizing the peace of God. Wherever you go, you carry the peace of God as a sweet fragrance. Your very presence in the midst of a brawl or a war will bring about peace. You are “My undefiled” – His spotless or flawless one. Though in the eyes of others or in your own eyes, you appear defiled by the past sin, yet in the eyes of Christ, you are undefiled, as your sin has been washed away by His Blood.

Because of tarrying, the head of your beloved Christ is filled with dew, and His locks with the drops of the night. The dew is moisture deposited from the air on cooling especially at night. It is formed after a long process of cooling of the atmospheric water. The dew has fallen on His Head and covered it. The Author of the Song of Songs chose the example of dew rather than use the word “tarry”. Let us admire the poetic beauty of this divine song, which tops all the songs of this world. You think that Christ is tarrying for a short time but to Christ, this period of tarrying is so prolonged as to cause formation of dew on His head.


“I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them?” tells the bride unto herself in verse 3.

The bride of the Song has withdrawn herself into the bedroom to take rest. And she has removed her coat, washed her feet and relaxes on her bed. On hearing the voice of her beloved, she does not want to take the trouble of putting on her coat again and of walking over to the door to let him in. Similarly, when you hear the knock of Jesus Christ at the door of your heart calling you to open it, you may not promptly respond to His call but may procrastinate on the pretext of fatigue. Christ, driven by His thirst of communing with you, had knocked at the door of your heart, when you were at rest especially during the nighttime. But you did not bother to respond to His call with the result that you had to lose His fellowship and the attendant blessings. When the Holy Spirit impressed on your mind to intercede for the Body of Christ or for the perishing world, you spurned His promptings due to lethargy and laziness in the same manner as was exhibited by the bride of the Song. Many souls or manifold blessings or many battles were lost. The divine Author, instead of scolding the bride of the Song by expressing words like laziness, has chosen to describe gently the scene in many words stating that she did not want to put on her coat and to soil her feet. Christ, impelled by His eternal love, never condemns His chosen people for their lapses.


“My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him”, the bride further adds in verse 4.

Now the beloved shepherd of the Song puts his hand by the hole of the door, and the heart of the bride is moved for him. As soon as he touches the hole of the door, the heart of the bride is moved for him. Though she tarries to open the door, her heart starts beating in anxiety the moment her beloved touches the door. Similarly, your heart would also be moved for Christ when He touches the door of your heart, though you may be reluctant to open the door of your heart on His knock. If your heart becomes insensitive to His voice, even then there is a small “hole” in the door of your hardened heart through which Christ can sensitize your whole heart. The hole means a personal communication line from Christ to you. On your reluctance to open the door of your hardened heart, Christ will never forsake you but will tarry and touch the hole of the door of your heart. Oh, what an incomprehensible love He has!


“I rose up to open to my beloved; and my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the lock”; the bride continues to speak unto herself in verse 5.

The bride then rose up to open the door to her beloved. At that time, her hands dropped with myrrh, while touching the handles of the lock. The Amplied Version says that her fingers dropped with liquid (sweet smelling myrrh) “which he had left upon the handles of the bolt”.

Myrrh is symbolic of Christ’s holiness. As His bride, you have to reveal His holiness through your hands. This means that the acts of your hands reveal His holiness. Your hands should not perform unholy acts. As a bride of Christ, you have to consecrate your hands for His holy ministry. Every finger of your hands must be holy. Don’t give or accept bribes. Don’t write any false account to cheat Government or your employer or any foreign missionary organization. Don’t write ill of any servant of God in any matter unless and until you hear him. Your hands should always hold the holy Bible or Christian books. Your hands should distribute Gospel tracts. Your hands should feed the poor. The fragrance of Christ’s holiness should be spread through your hands. Your fingers holding the pen should write God’s message and send it to others. Your fingers should leave the myrrh of holiness on your office file or computer. How? While writing any note or letter on official work, you have to pray and seek God’s wisdom. As a bride of Christ, when you prayerfully write an application to any earthly authority in accordance with His will, the drop of myrrh from your hands falls on that paper. Nobody on this earth can wipe out the drop of myrrh. The authorities concerned will grant your request. If there is any inordinate delay in the grant of your request by the authorities concerned, you should not bring any outside influence to bear upon them. But you should trust only our Lord, believing that the drop of myrrh left on your application would perform a miracle for you.

Christ knocking at the door of your heart leaves His myrrh on your life. This little myrrh from His hands is enough to cleanse your whole life, which was defiled by the sin. Even if you don’t open the heart to Him, the little myrrh left by Him would continue to cleanse your life and one day your whole life would be changed completely. This is the secret of the holiness of Christ Jesus.


“I opened to my beloved: but my beloved had withdrawn himself and was gone, my soul failed when he spake: I sought him but I could not find him: I called him but he gave me no answer”, the bride laments in verse 6.

The bride of the Song at last opened the door to her beloved. But he was not there. It was too late for her to open the door. She had missed the bus. How true it is in your life! You lost the presence of Christ as the spiritual slumber took on you. But Christ, the good Shepherd, after suffering the pangs of separation from you, came in search of you, the lost sheep, knocking at the door of your heart saying “Open to me, my beloved, my spotless one. I am wet with the heavy night dew; my hair is covered with it”. But you were procrastinating to open the door of your heart due to sheer lethargy. He then touched and sensitized your hardened heart. You rose up and finally opened the door of your heart. Alas! He was gone. Though you ultimately opened the door on sensitization of the heart, it was too late that He could not wait for an indefinite period. What a pity! You sought Him but could not find Him. You called Him but He gave you no answer. No doubt, He tarries till such time that the dew is formed on His head and will never forsake you. But, everything has a time factor.

It has happened in your life too. When Christ Jesus was very near wanting to help you in anticipation of some trouble, you had chosen not to open your heart to Him at that particular point of time. This ultimately led you to land in trouble and you had to shed tears in despair but could not find Him. You called Him but he gave no answer.

Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem foreseeing its destruction and said: “thou knewest not the time of thy visitation” (Luke 19:41-44). The people of Jerusalem knew not the time when their Messiah (Jesus) visited them. He was with them. He walked with them. He ate with them. He spoke to them. But the things pertaining to their peace hid from their eyes. Similarly, when Christ visits and knocks at the door of your heart, don’t delay to open it. “Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your heart as in the provocation.” (Heb 3: 15). If Jesus visits you today, don’t delay the matter till “tomorrow”. Tomorrow is not in your hands. Obey him today. Open your heart to him today.

Don’t make your beloved Shepherd tarry too long that his Head is covered with the drops of the night. He visits you at the right time of the night. He visits you when darkness of night is about to over-shadow you. You don’t know about the trouble brewing in your life as it is hidden from your eyes. That is why your beloved Shepherd calls you “My love, my undefiled open to me”. He wants you to commune with you so that He may reveal things to come. Watch and pray today so that God’s wrath may not destroy your nation, your family or your congregation tomorrow. He wants you to watch and pray today so that you may not fall into temptation tomorrow. Today is yours. Tomorrow is not yours.


“The watchmen that went about the city found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me” laments the bride in Vs. 7 as her beloved has withdrawn himself leaving her to the mercies of the watchmen of the city.

The watchmen of the city who found the bride of the song were the ones who persecuted her and took away her veil. Spiritually meaning, the watchmen whom you come across are not the prophets appointed by God to the Body of Christ. They are of the “Christian religion”, watching over their own sectarian churches or their own evangelical ministries without having the least concern for the Body of Christ or for the masses living in the obscure villages that are not yet evangelized. These watchmen are also called “the keepers of the walls”. They have their own walls around their churches and ministries. They are concerned about their own congregations or ministries. They are least concerned about that individual bride who is in search of her beloved. They are not interested in the single “lost sheep” but are interested in the ninety-nine sheep.

Dear bride of Christ, have you come across such watchmen of the city? They have smitten and wounded you emotionally and spiritually. They have condemned and smitten you by their words from the pulpits and expelled you from their churches or institutions. They have wounded your heart. Their ministry is of condemnation and not of “abundant life”.

The watchmen of the city took away the veil of the bride of the Song, which was a covering for her head and face. The veil was everything to her. It was protecting her peculiar personality and individuality. Now the watchmen, after smiting and wounding her, took away her veil also. They exposed her face to the public. She had hidden her face from the public saying, “I am black”. This is what happens today. The so-called pastors find fault with some of their “weak sheep” (congregation members) and identify the gray areas in their lives. The pastors may not be able to bear with their shortcomings or weaknesses. They may not like those church members who don’t dance to their tune. The pastors condemn such people of God from the pulpits by preaching some messages of their own but lying that God has given them such messages of “condemnation”. They thus smite and wound their sheep spiritually and emotionally. Not only this, the pastors also go on whispering into the ears of the other congregation members about the backsliding or the secrets of such believers, thus exposing their private life to public ridicule, under the pretext of soliciting the intercessory prayers of the congregation members. The watchmen of the present day churches thus remove the veil of the individual believers.


“ I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him that I am sick of love”, the bride bemoans over the separation of her beloved and yearns after his presence.

Distraught at the treatment meted out to her by the watchmen of the city, she now turns to the daughters of Jerusalem for comfort. These days, when you are condemned from the pulpit or by the modern watchmen of the city, you become so disheartened that you look for words of comfort from your fellow believers; you seek their intercessory prayers. In our midst, there are a large number of precious believers endowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit whom the clergy do not recognize. To these people, you should open your heart and pour out your grief. They in turn pray for you and bring about Christ’s presence in your life. You may feel like disclosing the secrets of your heart to these God’s people and asking them to tell Jesus Christ “I am sick of love – simply sick to be with him.”


“What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women? What is thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou dost so charge us?” the daughters of Jerusalem respond to the request of the bride in verse 9.

The daughters of Jerusalem wonder about that marvelous person whom the shepherd girl seeks. They wonder if he is fairer than and superior to another beloved. The daughters of Jerusalem have not really found the marvelous person whom the Shulamite looks for. In the preceding verse, she asks them to tell him about her love if they find him. They might have known him to some extent. They might not have known him fully as the Shulamite does. To the Shulamite, he is superior to and fairer than any other person whom she loves in the world. The daughters address her ‘O thou fairest among women.’ What a testimony about her! Though she confesses in Chapter 1 that she is dark, and asks the daughters of Jerusalem not to look upon her, the same daughters of Jerusalem testify to her fairness here.

Similarly, the children of God surrounding you may not have known fully the One you look for. On seeing your wholehearted devotion to the One whom you love more than any other person in the world, they may wonder whether that Person is more than “another beloved”. Though they have not found and known Him fully, they have discovered your inner beauty through their spiritual eyes. The Christ you seek is more than any other person in the world whom you love.


“My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand” the Shulamite now starts narrating the personality of her beloved shepherd in response to the query of the daughters of Jerusalem in verse 10.

By complexion, Jesus is white and reddish. White reveals His holiness and red His sacrifice on the Cross. He is the chiefest among the ten thousands of gods of this world. In this world, there are innumerable religious gods and saints, political leaders and rulers, heroes of cine films and of games like cricket. People and fans throng to have a glimpse of their heroes and leaders and sit spell bound hearing their sermons. Devout religious persons worship their favorite gods or goddesses throughout the world. But none of them can be and should be compared to the Person of Jesus. He is the chiefest of all. He is the only outstanding Person of the whole history of the mankind. Dear bride of Christ, you only know this secret. The world knows Him not. It merely knows Him as a great religious leader or the founder of Christianity.


“His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy and black as a raven”, the Shulamite continues to adore the king’s personality in verse 11.

The head of Jesus is as precious as the finest gold. The Roman soldiers put a crown of thorns on the head of Jesus. Jesus was the royal descendant of King David. He was the King of Jews but without a golden crown and the other paraphernalia of a king. In place of the golden crown, He was given a crown of thorns. His head bled profusely. He was the only King in the history with the crown of thorns on His head. But the same Jesus after glorification wore many kingly crowns on His head (Rev.19: 12). And His head with many crowns became as precious as the finest gold. The crown of thorns has transformed His head into the finest gold.

The locks of Jesus are bushy and black as a raven. The hair on the head reveals the personality of a person. The Personality of Jesus Christ is so perfect and wonderful that even the locks of His hair are bushy and black as a raven. Jesus Christ, the Messiah is always the same, yesterday, today and forever – to the ages (Heb.13:8). Jesus looks the same today as He had lived about 2000 years ago on this earth. The locks of His hair never become gray with the passage of ages but are ever black as a raven because He is eternal.


“His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk and fitly set”, the Shulamite continues in her adoration in verse 12.

The eyes of Jesus are likened to that of doves that stay by the rivers of waters and are washed with milk. And His eyes are fitly set in the eye-sockets.

The eyes of a dove reveal gentleness, innocence and harmlessness whereas the eyes of a vulture reveal violence, cunningness and cruelty. The dove becomes an easy prey to a fowler or a carnivorous bird because of its above-mentioned qualities. Jesus was gentle, innocent and harmless when He was judged and crucified by the Romans. This passage talks of the eyes of a dove, which stays by the side of a river. A dove normally resides in the roof of a building or the cleft of a rock and goes to a nearby river to drink water. But, here the divine Author talks of a dove, which lives by the side of a river, like a pelican. It is seen that this peculiar dove keeps itself pure by bathing in the fresh river water. Jesus kept Himself from the sin by staying by the side of a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High (Ps.46: 4). In other words, He was always in the presence of His Father, filled with His Spirit and power.

Dearly beloved, you should also stay by the side of this river and drink its water. The streams of this river make glad the city of God. Jesus offers you the living waters, which alone make glad the city of God. Jesus Christ is the Source of this river of living water in the city of God.


“His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh”, the Shulamite continues in her adoration in verse 13.

The Roman soldiers spat in the face of Jesus and slapped Him in the face (Matt.26: 67). Jesus gave His cheeks to those who plucked off the hair and He did not hide His face from shame and spitting. The cheeks of the Crucified Jesus grew red and bled after slapping and plucking of hair from His cheeks. Prophet Isaiah prophesied in his book (Ch.53: 2) that He had no form or comeliness that we should look at Him and no beauty that we should desire Him. But, the same face of Jesus with His cheeks and lips, after resurrection from the dead, so transformed that even His own disciples failed to recognize Him. Now the cheeks of the resurrected and glorified Christ are as a bed of spices. His face now radiates the glory and the love of the Father to the whole world like the bed of spices and the sweet flowers radiate their fragrance. The God of the Old Testament Who commanded Moses that His face should not be seen has become visible in Christ Jesus. Jesus said to His disciple Philip, “Any one who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say then, Show us the Father?” (Jn.14: 9).

His lips like lilies drop sweet smelling myrrh. You may smell the fragrance of God’s holiness and righteousness as you meditate on the Word of God. Jesus opened His lips and gave the fragrant words of God to the people of Israel who were in bondage to the Roman Empire. Today the Spirit of Christ Jesus opens and fills our heart with the fragrance of God’s holiness and righteousness as we mediate on His written word.


“His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires”, she keeps adoring the king in verse 14.

The crucified hands of Jesus have become precious like rods of gold set with nails of beryl, a precious stone after His resurrection and glorification. Through these golden hands, Jesus opens the gates of the heaven and fills the empty vessels of your ministry, business or life so that your vessels overflow with His abundant blessings. Dear minister of God, don’t nurture any thought that your ministry would be always in want. Remember that the golden hands of Jesus set with beryl would prosper you with abundance of blessings. Bring your empty vessels to the Glorified Christ today.

The glorified Body of Christ is a figure of ivory overlaid with sapphire. We, the individual members of the universal Church, constitute the glorified Body of Christ. We are likened to the ivory, which is overlaid with sapphire. The ivory, made of the tusk of the elephant, is very white and costly. This is overlaid with sapphire, a brilliant precious variety of corundum, which is of a beautiful blue color. God has imputed to the Church His holiness, compared to the whitish ivory, and His righteousness, compared to the blue-colored sapphire. These two things have become very precious and costly because Jesus, the Son of God, has paid a very heavy price through His Blood.


“His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars”, she further glorifies the king in verse 15.

The legs of the Glorified Christ are as strong and steady pillars of marble set upon bases of fine gold. The legs form part of the glorified Body of Christ, through which the God of peace would soon crush Satan (Rom.16: 20). God would crush Satan under your feet. The appearance of the Glorified Christ is like Lebanon, excellent, stately and majestic as the cedars. Lebanon is a mountain range in North Canaan of 10,000 feet height. Christ looks like Lebanon. He is taller than any earthly kingdom, the kingdom of Satan. He is mightier and taller than all your problems. Nobody on this earth can belittle Him. No sectarian church or any group can put Him in their cage. No earthly ruler or the Devil can bind Him and His powerful Gospel. He is majestic as the cedars. His majesty is not overshadowed or eclipsed by any religious leaders, dead or alive and their doctrines. Let us envision Christ as the Lebanon.


“His mouth is most sweet; yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem”, the Shulamite thus concludes her adoration in verse 16.

The voice of Christ Jesus as you hear by reading these pages is exceedingly sweet to you. Yes, He is altogether lovely. The whole Person of Jesus delights your soul as you hear His sweet voice. He is really lovely and precious to you. You are now joining with the Shulamite and discovering the One Who is spoken of in the prophetic books of the Old Testament and in the gospels and epistles of the apostles and Who is revealed through the prophetic visions of John to the Church in the book of Revelation.

Oh, this Christ Jesus is different from the other Christs presented by some Christian preachers, certain historians or religious leaders. Yes, this very Jesus is your Beloved and is your Friend.